What a day this started off to be, screaming baby, step child to take to football and other step child to entertain and a husband who is trying to pack for working away, a makeup case to pack and a MIA grandad.. sorry I digress, back to the shoot. Working with Barrie and Fiona Spence (Entropic Tendencies) is always a pleasure, but today I also had the pleasure of working with Grieg Middlemiss (Different Light photography) . The models were lovely also, there was Susie, Jade, and Brian.
Makeup and hair to be done and the clock was ticking, as I could only stay till 4.15 pm ( Because of the MIA grandad). Susie was first, Hair quiffed, curls at the side. Lovely. I airbrushed and as always and fantastic result. Susie was suited and booted and was ready to go, Jade was next, she has amazing red hair and it was well behaved, Did what it was told, Airbrushed again, also another amazing result. Next was our male model, a little airbrush here a little airbrush there, and voila.
I was sad I couldnt stay around for the whole shoot, especially as they were shooting at Mary kings close later that evening. Hopefully next time. Once I have the pics I will have them uploaded here and in my gallery.
Well with my new look website I thought I would start blogging, I will update you with all thats new with me, what I have going on and about the great people I have the pleasure of working with.